Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Equipment Specifications

This section describes the procedure to create new coaxial devices in the specification files selected.

Note: Deleting Coax device Models or Series can only be done on brand new spec files which have never been used for coaxial design in the database.

After a device model from any series has been placed in design, that model cannot be deleted. Any series or model may be 'disabled' however, by opening the Coax spec file, and going to the following menu option:

By clicking on the 'Set InActives' option, an 'Active Devices' dialog will display:

By right clicking on any Series or Models, the user will have the option to set any Coax specfile feature as 'Active' or 'InActive'. A Lock icon in the equipment dialog will indicate any device that is inactive:

Setting a device as 'InActive' does not prevent the designer from using that equipment, but a warning dialog will appear each time that device is used: